A Student Council is a group of elected and volunteer students working together with an adult advisor within the framework of a constitution or bylaws to provide a means for student expression and assistance in school affairs and activities, give opportunities for student experience in leadership and encourage student / faculty / community relations. The purpose of the student council is to give students an opportunity to develop leadership by organizing and carrying out school activities and service projects.
Institution has an active student council with representation as per the directions of the MUHS and 4 additional members in the forum of 2 fresh undergraduate students & 2 post graduate students.
Students council’s main function is to represent student’s problem and suggestions to the institutional authorities in a structural way. It is formed every year in the month of august/sept with Principal as a chairperson & 3rd year student as a secretary. Student members are selected as per the directions given by the university. The teaching staff is appointed on a rotation basis.
The council meets every month preferably in first week. Agenda is prepared in advance depending on the complaints received from students and other standard items.
On the day of first meeting introduction of all members is done by principal and secretary reads agenda points one by one on which discussion takes place. Remedial measures and other discussion points are noted down by record keepers and minutes are prepared by secretary after confirmation of the same by principal. The task assignment with compliance report is prepared. Which are then circulated among the students and members respectively.
It is the duty of secretary to prepare requisite notices regarding matter discussed during council meeting for information to all students. One-month time period is given for the action to be taken on various issues related to students discussed during the meeting and action taken report is prepared.
This is discussed during the next meeting along with fresh agenda points. Any member who remains absent without prior permission for two consecutive meeting is removed from the council. After the period of 1-year committee members are changed and secretary hands over the work file to the next secretary & the cycle goes on.
This year 2nd yr students have been assigned the responsibility of jotting down the points discussed in the meetings as it was observed that it is difficult for secretary to display the minutes of previous meetings, compliance discussion and taking down the points of current meeting as well.
The Student Council is formed to represent the issues faced by students, raise voice of the students, promote their ideas and advocate their views and interests. It is a fundamentally democratic and non-political institution, with all students given equal opportunity to participate. Its main purpose is to facilitate the institute to serve its students as effectively as possible by being the participative stakeholder rather than the mere recipient.
1. To represent student feelings, opinions, and issues faced by them.
2. To give opportunity to students to have a share in decision making.
3. To promote development of potential leaders through leadership
4. To help students understand and accept their role in institutional governance
5. To develop within individuals a sense of responsibility for their own conductor behavior.
6. To develop understanding, respect, and appreciation for cultural differences or similarities.
7. To develop a sensitivity to and awareness of the needs and problems of others
8. To create a good relationship between faculty and students.
9. To involve students in both social and organizational problem solving in the institute.
10. To develop individual feelings of self-confidence and social maturity.
The council is formed in accordance with the regulations of Parent University with additional members for fair representation from all batches. It has Principal as chairperson, teacher nominees and representative from each professional year, interns, sports, research and cultural categories. Institute has further added representatives from first year undergraduate and Post graduate students. Each year the committee is formed with fresh student members and one student is selected as a secretary.
1. To take out the notice for the date of meeting so that it is notified to all members.
2. To coordinate with student members and teaching staff for the arrangement of meeting with respect to venue, time, schedule of the meeting.
3. To compile the issues raised by students from each year representatives and accordingly prepare the agenda for the meeting.
4. To note down the issues discussed during the meeting and prepare minutes of the meeting.
5. To circulate minutes and compliance for members, after the meeting is over.
6. To keep the record of attendance of members and compile all minutes of meeting.
7. To handover the responsibility to the next secretary once the tenure is over.
It is conducted once in a month preferably in the first week of each month.
It is compulsory for all members to attend it and inform the secretary in advance in case if someone is not able to attend it due to genuine reasons.