Vikhe patil

Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation's


Affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik, Approved by Govt. of Maharashtra

Recognized by Maharashtra State O.T.P.T. Council, Mumbai

and Indian Association of Physiotherapists,

Accredited with NAAC Grade "A" (CGPA 3.02) & Recognized by UGC 2 (F)

Viladghat, Ahmednagar (MS) India - 414 111.

past events

Alumni activity

Intellectual Property Rights(Patents)

National Science Day

Physiotherapy & Ergonomics in Industrial Workers.

World Disability Day

Marathi Bhasha Gaurav divas

Orientation Programme- 4th B.P.Th Winter 2024.

Stroke Conference Tab#NSC 2023

World Disability Day

Stroke Conference Tab#NSC 2023

Fun and Food 2023

Fun and Food 2023 organized by College of Physiotherapy

Krida Mahotsav 23

Genesis 2023 – Indoor activities

National Science Day

Topic presentation Competition was organised on the occasion of National Science Day. Topic was Use of Electronic Gadgets to improve Intelligence.

Krida Mahotsav 23

Genesis 2023 – Indoor activities

Marathi Bhasha Din

Marathi Bhasha Din 2023


Topic: How to reduce excessive usage of the Internet. Students share their views & express their thoughts on different topics in Abhivyakti presentation

World Stroke Day

Dept. of Neurophysiotherapy is celebrating World Stroke Day on 29th October 2022

Alumni Activity

Department of Neurophysiotherapy conducted Logo Design Competition for DVVPF\’s, COPT Alumni Association ; on the occasion Alumni Activity October 2022

World Arthritis Day Camp

On the occasion of World Arthritis Day -2022 a free assessment and Treatment camp for people with osteoarthritis is organized at Pimpalgoan Malvi village.

World Arthritis Day Camp

On the occasion of World Arthritis Day -2022 a free assessment and treatment camp for Patients with osteoarthritis is organized in Physiotherapy OPD at VPMH.

World Cerebral Palsy Day

DVVPF\’s, COPT Dept. of Neurophysiotherapy is celebrating World Cerebral Palsy day on 6th October 2022.


An elocution competition was conducted on the topic “Participation of youth in politics, in the development of new India”. Dr. Rajesh Gaikwad, Professor, Community medical sciences and our Principal Dr. Shyam Ganvir Sir was invited as judge for the competition.

World Brain Day

World Spinal Cord Injury day

Alzheimers Day

Alzheimer\’s day was observed on 21st Sept 2022 in Neurophysiotherapy OPD . Awareness program was organized for the patients. Total 11 patients attended the program.

World Physiotherapy Day

DVVPF’s, College of Physiotherapy is celebrating World Physiotherapy Day on 8th September 2022

Spinal cord injury Day

Spinal cord injury day was observed on 5th Sept 2022 at Neurophysiotherapy OPD.

Workshop on Ethics and Adminis

Ethics and Administration workshop has arranged for 4th yr B.P.Th students

Workshop on Dissertation Writing

Workshop Dissertation writing for Postgraduate students organized by DVVPF’s, College of Physiotherapy, Ahmednagar.

World TB Day

Awareness lecture and assessment camp

Alumni Activity

Guest lecture on ” Scope in Onco-Physiotherapy”

World Disability Day

District Disability Rehabilitation Centre organizing World Disability Day on 3rd December 2021

World Disability Day

Department of Community Physiotherapy organizing Vocational Rehabilitation Training Session for Spinal Cord Injury Patients on the occasion of World Disability Day

Alumni activity

Alumni activity was organized by Department of Neurophysiotherapy on 29th November 2021 for all undergraduate students on the topic of Study and Career options after graduation.

World Stroke Day

On the occasion of World Stroke Day 29th October 2021; Dept. Of Neurophysiotherapy has organized awareness activity, inauguration of Stroke booklet and zoom meeting with Ahmednagar Clinical Physiotherapists for Stroke Registry.

World Mental Health Day

An elocution competition was conducted on the topic “Participation of youth in politics, in the development of new India”. Dr. Rajesh Gaikwad, Professor, Community medical sciences and our Principal Dr. Shyam Ganvir Sir was invited as judge for the competition.

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