Overview of OPD & IPD
Cardiovascular and respiratory department of physiotherapy is a rehabilitative science which aims at maximizing the functional potential of an individual who has disease and related dysfunction. It aims to promote health and fitness in every individual’s life, restores potential and to improve quality of life.
The department is managed by a team of qualified skilled and experienced cardio-respiratory physiotherapist. The work of cardiovascular Respiratory physiotherapy team is mainly focused on: Cardiac Rehabilitation, Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Pulmonary Function and fitness Testing.
We provide services to In-patient department which includes: Medicine ward, surgery ward, Cardiac ward and ICU’s i.e Neonatal Care unit, Cardiac Care Unit, Respiratory Care Unit, Medicine ICU.
Primary and secondary prevention program for those who are at risk for heart and respiratory diseases.
In Inpatient Rehabilitation the treatment provided are bed exercises which aim to mobilize the patient and make them independent with use of devices like bed side cycle ergometry. Breathing exercises and lung expansion therapy along with bronchial hygiene with the help of devices like flutter and acapella. Use of Tribal incentive spirometry for post-surgical patients to improve their volume and capacity. Patient are assed prior to treatment and proper documentation is done. Patients feedback is taken at the end of the treatment session by giving them a feedback form.
In outpatient department the services provided for rehabilitation after surgery and after discharge and patients coming on daily basis from nearby areas. Treatment is provided for cardiac rehabilitation phase 2 and beyond in which proper guidance and Treadmill training, stationary cycle, Inspiratory muscle training. Pulmonary function testing to know the respiratory status. Laser therapy is given for wound healing and debridement. Testing for blood pressure with the help of sphygmomanometer.
Other Adjuncts to physiotherapy are the use of Stair case, Vestibular ball, Stability trainer, TheraBand, Weights.
Infrastructure and facilities:
Spacious, well illuminated with good ventilation located at the basement of the main hospital building. This provides both OPD and IPD patient services. The department function’s from 9a.m to 5p.m